
Clen 40 mcg

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £0.00.



Clenbuterol mainly known as Clen is a bronchodilator. Bronchodilators are utilized by individuals that have asthma since it makes breathing simpler. It’s additionally utilized for veterinary purposes, primarily in dairy cattle and horses. You should know that this medicine has not been affirmed for human utilization. In any case, that doesn’t prevent numerous individuals from utilizing it to upgrade execution. Apart from this medicine fat consuming capacities, many top athletes likewise use it for its performance improving impacts. It’s anything but a steroid-like many individuals describe it.


Clen tablets are utilized as medicine for asthma. As an extremely stimulating substance, a disputable synthetic compound makes various reactions to the body. It also used for weight reduction.


The suggested dosage of Clen tablets is 40mcg a day. When this medicine is taken to control asthma side effects, the suggested measurement is somewhere in the range of 40mcg every day. The medicine comes in tablet or inhaler structure for asthma treatment. In the same way as other bronchodilators utilized for asthma treatment, you should utilize it as required — up to the prescribed measurements rather than standard daily use. Be cautious with this medicine. You would prefer not to take beyond than you can deal with. Regardless of what anyone tells you, it tends to be dangerous. Be very cautious when using this compound. Try not to build the measurement if you don’t feel good in doing as such.


  • Clenbuterol has many reactions and direct effects on the body that might be dangerous for certain clients. Try not to take this medicine if you show at least a bit of heart issue or different genuine therapeutic issues.
  • Pregnant ladies should not utilize this medicine.

Side Effects

  • Shaking
  • Anxiety
  • cerebral pains
  • abnormal sweating
  • raised body temperature

Additional information


40 mg




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